Although definitions and explanations about any given deal can be readily found from prospectus and prospectus supplements, for practitioners like myself, this book improves one's understanding of what's, how's and why's of any particular feature of a typical RMBS structure. This is a book I wished I had read when I started in this business.
In this book, the process of modeling a RMBS deal was shown step-by-step, with definitions, equations, tables and figures accompanying easy to understand explanations. The equations are written in a way that if is straightforward to be coded into VBA (or any other language) and be implemented.
This is a book about learning about modeling and implementing an ABS. End of chapter programming excercises reinforce the notion of learning by doing. To respond to the prior reviewer's desire of having a complete program to run and test, I believe that the only way one is going to learn a complex structure is to read, follow, implement and experiment with self-written codes. This book provides you with all the tools and explanations you need to get started in this interesting field.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Structured Finance Modeling with Object-Oriented VBA (Wiley Finance) (Hardcover)
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