People have noted that when Larousse updates their dictionaries they do more than window dressing--and they are right. You get great entries that reflect the changing times: the definitions of "software," "hostile takeover" and "baby sitter" are all included in this latest edition of the dictionary. Moreover, you DO get words that reflect the different nuances of a word whenever necessary. This is the hallmark of a fine dictionary.
The dictionary even includes entries for "foul" language; this just might help you! There are even French verb conjugations; and that's superlative for a dictionary in this price range. There's even a 64 page guide to communication that is very impressive.
The pages are made of paper that is slightly thinner than I would like but it's more than sufficient for the student. This is a minor point, naturally. The typeface is easy to read and I like how you can use this dictionary to translate back and forth by looking up entries in either French or English.
I recommend this dictionary for all students of French or even French speaking persons studying English. Not only will this satisfy students at the elementary level; it will also be most beneficial for students at the intermediate and advanced levels of study.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Larousse College Dictionary: French-English/English-French (French Edition) (Hardcover)
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