I truly and thoroughly enjoyed this book!It reminded me what it was that got me into this line of work in the first place.This book focuses the reader on using creativity to look at the world in a different manner, and create truly differentiable advantage thereby, and the energy and excitement that I took from it were absolutely wonderful.The book is team-written by a series of folks at TBWA\, (one of the largest ad agencies in the world) and there are definite portions of the book that are only of value to people outside of the ad world in dealing with folks inside, (most notably, the entire third section of the book, which you can honestly skip) and there are some chapters written by Dru's team that contradict some of his basic tenets, but don't let either of these put you off.The case studies, base lessons and some of the discussions about methodologies are highly portable, and certainly can lead to a strong and very valuable transformation in your practices and company, if taken to heart.It will focus you and your co-workers on defining and fulfilling the grandeur of the mission you're on, (regardless of industry or product segment) with the benefits accruing in direct proportion to how widely you can introduce this mindset and maintain the excitement, (much of it self-perpetuating) to your environment.And one very cute suggestion that has immediate value to us all: a company was having a very difficult time with actual output not being achieved due to both the quantity and time span of meetings, (sound familiar?).Dru and his team's suggestion, which was implemented to great success?Remove all chairs from the conference room.Imagine how quickly meetings can be over if everyone has to stand during the entire discussion!
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Beyond Disruption: Changing the Rules in the Marketplace (Hardcover)
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