The examples about pivots (the key part of the book), one chart after another were not easy to follow.The section on TA was woefully lacking.The author has a section on Gann theory, and more or less advises to go buy the book that Gann wrote.As it turns out, there is some pretty rich information about Gann on the web.
My biggest pet peeve about this book were the continual subliminal references (advertisements) to the author's subscription based website.Besides that, I did not like the blatent plugging of the people who praised his book on the back cover.It's okay for an author to put their website on the back of the book.If the information stands on it's own then I can go to the website to learn more.What's not cool is to give vauge trading strategies, then give some glowing account of how your subscription newsletter called the shots.
I did give the book two stars, which means I wasn't totally dissapointed.He does stress a couple of good points regarding pivots, but it's all pretty basic beginner stuff.
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