The second section, Why Keynes Was Wrong mirrors the structure of the first section. In the table of contents, the two sections are lined up in vertical columns. For example, a section in the first part called Spend More, Save Less, and Grow Wealthy is lined up against a section in the second part called Spend More, Save Less, and Grow Poorer.
There are several main themes in book. One is that most of Keynes key doctrines are paradoxical. The most well-known example is the paradox of thrift: saving is good for the individual but if everyone tries to save, then it drives the economy downwards into a bust. Another example is "unemployment equilibrium". In each case, Lewis provides simple, logical arguments against Keynes's paradoxes. The book could be characterized as a defense of common sense against obscurantism and muddle-headedness.
Keynes' reliance on paradox brings to mind what philosopher Michael Levin calls "the skim milk fallacy", which he describes as follows: "According to this paradigm, science always shows that things are the reverse of how they seem. Deep scrutiny of virtually any phenomenon will reveal that everyday convictions about it are wrong. In fact, taking things at face value betrays naiveté, while readiness to debunk is the mark of the sophisticate, what David Riesman called an 'inside dopester.'"
Another theme is Keynes' reliance on his own opinion without any supporting facts. Lewis gives many examples of how Keynes moves through a point in his reasoning that cannot be decided on purely theoretical grounds by recourse to pure opinion without any empirical support. Lewis in some cases cites subsequent empirical studies that contradicts Keynes' opinions (and in other cases, Lewis provides a common sense argument against Keynes' opinion). Where some empirical work existed at the time, Keynes would dismiss with no supporting evidence if he needed things to go in the opposite direction in order to arrive at the result he wanted.
This book fills a missing niche in the literature: a debunking of Keynes for the general reader. I believe that this book would also be useful as a supplement in a macro course.But its most important contribution in my view is that it demystifies Keynes. The ideas in The General Theory form the foundation of modern macro-economics, which is the basis for the modern practice of central banking and pretty much all monetary policy around the world. What I mean by the mystification of Keynes is that, because his theories are so long-established and deeply embedded in academic economics, government, and the public consciousness, it is difficult not to think that there must be something really deep and profound there. Upon reading Lewis' book, it is somewhat shocking to see how weak his arguments are and how poorly they stand up to any kind of logical examination.
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