Of course, you shouldn't take every single idea written in any book, even the best, as the absolute truth.You should read Philip Fisher, William Nickerson, Adam Smith, John Burr Williams, John Bogle, Douglas Andrew, and so on, and take all the gems from each book, no matter how small (or how many), and piece together your own method of creating wealth.Don't be a sheep, be a sheperd, and put together your own flock.
That being said, read Security Analysis, and read it well.Highlight important points, draw arrows, create charts and diagrams representing key points.
Master this material.
You owe it to yourself.If you want to be an expert investor, you will put in this amount of effort in every book you read, especially the greatest works, like Security Analysis.You won't get rich by half-assing.This book is a priceless gem, and, although it may take several months of reading and research to understand its concepts, it will be well worth your while.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Security Analysis: Sixth Edition, Foreword by Warren Buffett (Security Analysis Prior Editions) (Hardcover)
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