
Review of Creating Wealth: Retire in Ten Years Using Allen's Seven Principles of Wealth, Revised and Updated (Hardcover)

A read of Allen's book is interesting because it presents a differentviewpoint on real estate.Being a novice in real estate, it provided mewith information on many aggressive strategies.However, also being a CPA,I believe that they are excessively risky and are not necessarilyfinancially sound.

Many techniques that are mentioned such as targetingassumable mortgages are out of date and useless.And many of the deals hecovers as examples seem like a fast way to build up debt and incur monthlynegative cash flow losses.

A google search on Robert G. Allen revealsthat he is no longer pushing real estate but a vitamin multilevel marketingcompany.Also, a look at John T Reed's website reveals that Allen hasfiled for bankruptcy in the time period between when this book was writtenand today...1996, I believe.

There are probably better and more relevantreal estate books out there.Since I'm still searching for my personalreal estate methodology, I can't recommend anything now, but I would notrecommend this book to others -- especially beginners.

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