The likes of Schiff, Ron Paul, Nouriel Roubini, the Agora Group and others not only continue to make a great deal of sense but time is showing a growing crisis. This book has been updated to reflect many of the changes which have taken place since the writing of the first book plus added fairly substantial amounts of new research/content of interest.
The content is reader friendly, easy to understand and conversational in style. A brief history and overview is provided for those new to the discussion while those with more familiarity will still appreciate the updated statistics etc... Data is provided to support assertions including a few charts etc but are helpful not complex. Schiff provides a very solid explanation on where he stands with inflation and why including his definition of inflation. For those more versed in the ongoing debate - inflation vs deflation remains a sticking point among many investors. For the average American this is not a minor consideration when it comes to deciding what to do with your investment dollar, debt or money in general.Schiff tackles what he considered the "bogus deflation threat" essential consdieration for every investor. Whether you agree or disagree - it is certainly worthy to review the rationale with a "what if" attitude before making a final decision as to your financial future.
Peter Schiff goes on to discuss various investments and risk(s) as well as provide an update of where we are in the predicted cycle. Closely coupled with this is a frank and fairly harsh overview of the current economic policy being put into place by D.C. combined with the status of consumer debt, corporate status does not paint a pretty picture or leaves much room for optimism but goes on to tackle specific investments including....
- TIPS (the problems)
- Currency Exchange
- Mutual Funds
- Cash Accounts
-Precious Metals
-Much more
Bottom Line - a worthy read for new investors, good updates for those that have read the first version. Whether you agree or not, Schiff presents important considerations every investor will want to keep in mind and does so in an easy to read method.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Crash Proof 2.0: How to Profit From the Economic Collapse (Hardcover)
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