Wow, what a piece! While the subtitle reads, "Christianity Confronts Pluralism," Carson also gives an assessment of postmodernism. Carson especially deals with how Hermeneutics(interpretation of works) has been effected by pluralistic thinking andpostmodernism. Not only does Carson tackle the hermeneutical issue but hedives into the problems that have arisen in recent years in the area ofepistemology. Moreover, Carson discusses popular thinkers who areproponents of pluralism in light of the exclusive claims of Christianity.Some of these current popular thinkers include John Hick, David Tracy, andClark Pinnock. Additionally, Carson discusses law and morality in light ofpostmodernism and how these areas of thought/practice are effected, andwhat the evangelical stance via historical orthodox Christianity has tooffer. As you can see, the book is very detailed (569 pages of text and 47pages of bibliography). I believe this to be one of the better books on themarket dealing with pluralism/postmodernity.
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