Of 10 chapters, I found the final 2 the only semi useful ones.The final chapter was more for entertainment value, but it did provide a valuable reminder that everything in life is zero sum and there is no place more zero sum than wall street.The 2nd to last chapter provides some hedge fund strategies and high level differences between them with a couple of examples.
I am sorry, but I really expected more from this book and I can't say I really took one thing away from it.I kept waiting for the "meat", but it never came.It is clear that the author targeted the largest audience possible, which would be non-financial main street who are just hearing the term "hedge fund" for the first time.
Disclaimer: I have a finance degree, a finance job, and have worked in a hedge fund before as a bottom of the barrel analyst, so maybe I expected too much, but I really didn't learn anything from this book and don't think anyone with any sort of finance background will either.
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