He knows his stuff and in turn can turn a phrase with the best of them -- the line about the last time a college team won when Barry Bonds' hat size was smaller just a sample of a great one-liner.
He bashes some long-held myths out there, hits it spot-on, and goes from there. Just a great, fast moving read. Funny how Chris Fowler explains in the forward that college football is about opinion, and Ivan himself goes on further to explain the importance of opinion in college football and one "reviewer" (I use that term lightly) here says there's too much opinion in this book.
Bunk. That's what makes it fun, ratings, rankings, and opinion. Maisel has traversed the country and written millions of words on college football. His opinion is an educated one and an astute one. Plus, he has fun with it, making the book that much better.
If all the no-sense-of-humor college football die-hards can lower their blood pressure for a few hours, pick up this book and have fun. If they can't do that, pick it up anyway, but keep your doctor's number nearby. The book will surely get your blood boiling.
One of the best books ever on college football!
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Maisel Report: College Football's Most Overrated and Underrated Players, Coaches, Teams, and Traditions (Hardcover)
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