Having read a number of books on the racial problems in the US including "Paved with Good Intentions", "The Dispossessed Majority" and "My Awakening", I was expecting a book which would be both lengthy and difficult to read.Instead, lawyer Edgar Steele's book "Defensive Racism" is both entertaining and easy to read.Mr. Steele's exposition of the racial situation is laid out for the reader in a simple, logical style which takes the reader on a survey of the racial questions which are current in America.The first thing the book takes on is race: is it real, is it OK to recognize that racial differences exist?The conclusion is that race does exist, the evidence is overwhelming and that it is OK to see that this is true.There are differences in skin color which aren't really very important but which are obviously inherited.There are differences in intellectual capacity which are much more important and are inherited.Most important of all, there are differences in character which are inherited.To Mr. Steele, these are the most important differences because they determine how we interact with the people around us.Steele discusses how animal breeders select for character in their dogs, in their horses, how the breeding for character and personality has a long history in the selection of domestic animals.He then shows research to support the contention that human character is also inherited and has been selected in different populations and, to use that word, races.Unlike other books on these topics, Mr. Steele's writing style is light and entertaining, yet very to the point.I was surprised to see my teenage daughter reading the book at a friend's house and complaining because we didn't have a copy so she could finish reading it.Now that's an endorsement of an engaging writing style! Unlike a lot of books on the racial problems in America, "Defensive Racism" isn't just about race.The book also discusses related national problems such as the true cost of unrestricted third world immigration, our current middle eastern wars and why we are there (Israel figures large in this discussion), a history of past wars with an explanation of the motives behind those wars (it wasn't just because we we were good and the other guys were bad), a chapter on economics that even a teenager can understand along with a prediction of an economic meltdown as the costs of racial problems overwhelm our ability to pay. The book ends with a discussion for "New America" one based on facts rather than racial fantasy.This is not a book about racial intolerance but rather a plea for racial understanding, a realistic look at race and what we need to do to make our country better.I can see why lawyer Steele was so successful in the courtroom, he is very understandable and very persuasive.I highly recommend this book.
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Defensive Racism: An Unapologetic Examination of Racial Differences (Hardcover)
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