Corporate Governance in Banking: A Global Perspective is an assembly of essays by learned authors discussing international laws and recommendations concerning corporate governance in banking, as seen from a global perspective. In an era of expanding globalization and corporations of ever-increasing power, the need for effective but not overstifling regulation of corporate banking and accounting is more pronounced than ever. Individual essays in Corporate Governance in Banking include "Corporate Governance in Banks: Does the Board Structure Matter?", "A Survey of Corporate Governance in Banking: Characteristics of the Top 100 World Banks", "Bank Mergers and Insider Trading", and much more. Corporate governance and banking is scrutinized in the setting of a number of different nations, including the United States, Australia, Germany, Hungary, and Korea. A heavily researched text especially for advanced students, scholars, and professionals in the field, highly recommended for the economic studies shelves of college libraries.
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Corporate Governance in Banking (Hardcover)
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