
Review of Why Not? How to Use Everyday Ingenuity to Solve Problems Big and Small [ILLUSTRATED] (Hardcover)

This is an excellent book on creative thinking.It shows you how it does not take a rocket scientist to be a creative genius.The authors demonstrate several creative thinking strategies that work very well.They indicate that most great ideas come from two basic thinking strategies, including problems in search of solutions and solutions in search of problems.The first strategy (problems in search of solutions) leads to the development of many new incremental products and services.They are not so new in their concept, but they represent a different twist on existing concepts.The second strategy (solutions in search of problems) leads to totally brand new technological and innovative breakthroughs.Both strategies add tremendous value to our society, to commerce, and represents incremental hundred of $billion in national economic wealth.

The authors illustrate their creative concepts by many examples taken from the business world, and how corporations have introduced really innovative and successful products worldwide.Examples include many creative financial services and product concepts.So, if you work for a bank or a financial service company, you may find a lot of food for thoughts here.But, examples are also taken from many different industries.So, regardless of where you work, this book will have practical applications for you.

I work in a small think tank of one of the major financial institutions on the West Coast.Parts of my yearly MBOs entail coming up with new financial product structures for my employer.I was a bit in a creative thinking rut.Just by reading this book, following the strategies suggested by the authors, I came up with a couple of very interesting product concepts that I can t wait to present to my management.This book is really fun, and it will enhance both your creativity and your career.

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