Larry puts it on the line and basically says that all of us have the power to make our lives better and stop the financial bleeding if we want to -- and you know what he is right.He states, for example, to get off your rear end and stop watching television and take a class or learn something new to help advance your career which helps you earn more money.He's dead on in that regard -- I personally stopped watching the idiot box over 2 years ago and started taking night classes towards an MBA.It has helped me more than I could ever have imagined.
The problem with this book is that most people, just as Larry says, won't want to do what he tells you to.They don't want to give up their cable TV, they don't want to get a 2nd job to pay off the bills, they don't want to stop eating out every other day.They just want a magic bag of money to drop into their lives.Well wake up folks, it isn't going to happen.The theme of this book can best be describes as "It's All About You!" -- YOU have to sacrifice to get out of the hole and if you aren't willing to or don't want to make tough choices then save your money and don't buy the book and continue living in your financial nightmare.
After reading this book I got the extra "boost" I needed to continue working my 2nd job (my own small business) to help it grow even more.My goal is to be debt free by the beginning of 2009 and I know I can do it -- I got my shot of reality from reading this book.Now I'm ready to hunker down and make it happen!
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