
Review of When the Good Pensions Go Away: Why America Needs a New Deal for Pension and Healthcare Reform (Hardcover)

After listening to Bob Brinker (host of Moneytalk) interview Thomas Mackell, I realized that Mackell is a brilliant man with an important message. Unfortunately, most Americans are so mesmerized by sports, celebrities, and inane television programs that they will not discover the looming fiscal crisis that is demographically inevitable. Interestingly, during that interview, Mackell discussed the possibility of intergenerational warfare in the not-too-distant future. For someone who is Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (and hence a credible, mainstream person) to forecast such a dismal future is almost unprecedented . . . except that Kevin Pezzi, MD, author of True Emergency Room Stories (now available as a free e-book download from the doc's site) made that prediction a decade ago. But what do Americans do? Keep electing politicians who lack the intelligence or courage to face this issue, thus making intergenerational war increasingly likely. Most Americans are so uninformed that they are oblivious to this problem and would likely deem it to be virtually impossible, but such skepticism merely illustrates their ignorance. This disease has no easy cures, but Mackell's book is a wake-up call that might help us avoid electing politicians who will exacerbate the problem. Too bad Mackell isn't running for President; he is smarter and more knowledgeable that the current two candidates combined.

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