Also, the book claims that you can do this "without cash."However, in Chapter 7 Goins suggests that you borrow against your credit cards, life insurance, personal home or IRA.Or another suggestion - sell your stuff on Ebay.Sure are a lot of suggestions for getting that cash that the cover of the book declares you don't need to day trade real estate.Goins recommends a deposit of at least $500 for most contracts.That's required cash, pure and simple.It seems a bit deceptive to repeatedly say you don't need cash to do this when the reality of this method, or pretty much any real estate business method, is that at least some cash is required.
The print quality was lacking in the copy I received, with several of the front pages being illegible ink smears.
This book is well-organized and probably contains a nugget of good usable information here and there.If you've already read about flipping houses you will find little new material.If you haven't read about flipping then this book is as good as any to use for basic information.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Getting Started in Real Estate Day Trading: Proven Techniques for Buying and Selling Houses The Same Day Using The Internet! (Hardcover)
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