
Review of Success Stories (Hardcover)

Success Stories by Michael B. Davie is one of the most unusual and inspiring books you're ever likely to come across.
Unusual because the book combines most aspects of a business book with a coffee table book that's heavy on both pictures and text.
Inspiring because much of the content concerns the life stories of highly successful people who pulled themselves up by their bootstraps to become rich and influential.
Of particular interest is the story of Michael G. DeGroote who immigrated to Canada as a child, barely spoke any English, dropped out of school at age 14 and landed his first job - hauling manure to Southern Ontario tobacco farms. From these humble beginnings, DeGroote went on to acquire and build Laidlaw into a multi-billion-dollar giant, then sold his shares to move to Bermuda and begin a new empire in the sun. All in all, a very inspiring, thought-provoking book. Highly recommended.

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