Abromovitz, an attorney and financial educator, provides readers with a well-written explanation of the key components of developing, protecting, and rebuilding decimated retirement accounts. He recommends a pro-active hands-on retirement planning approach.In this 224-page, nineteen chapter book, Abromovitz covers how to make relatively safe investments that will continue to grow, how to plan for health issues and large medical bills, how to maximize your social security benefits, and how your financial safety can be improved by investing in stocks, real estate, annuities and 401(k)s.
There is no earth-shattering advice in this book.However, the author provides straightforward advice that can help individuals get and stay focused on the right track so that they can accomplish their retirement dreams.
Most individuals have not really thought about all aspects of the retirement process and have let the chips fall where they may.The devastating bear market of 2000-2002, unfortunately changed the retirement landscape for millions of individuals whose retirements have been postponed and many potential retirees have been forced to keep working to make ends meet. The reason for this was that most individuals did not understand or consider the risks of investing in the stock market.
By reading, studying, and implementing the wisdom in this book, readers will put the odds in their favor to obtain a secure and peaceful retirement.This book should be required reading by all individuals, whether or not they are approaching retirement since the advice provided will help all readers better manage their financial issues.
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