All in all, Mitchell's vision of urban life in the industrialized nations is compelling. He weaves a convincing mosaic of The City of "real soonnow", where the design elements of architecture are extended toinclude the additions of Bandwidth, telepresence, conduit and storage.Indeed, as a network engineer myself, I believe he pretty much has it spoton, for those of us who are fortunate to live in the Northern Hemisphere.But what of the rest of the planet who won't have OC-48 cables running downtheir main streets? (80% of humanity have never come in contact with acomputer, let alone a network infrastructure).He paints a picture of aglorious brave new cyberworld for the top 5%, but ignores the implicationsof this technology on the other 95% of the people on this rock we callearth. Still, if you are one of the fortunate ones (or wish you were) to beable to take part in this vision, the book is well worth reading. Earth:E-topia or Borg Planet, YOU decide!
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e-topia (Hardcover)
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